Structure& COntent


10 months - 3 phases

During the ten months, we are on the way as an MC class in three phases which build on and flow into each other.

These phases lay a foundation for the life of our students after MC. The goal and orientation of our school is a profound and lasting change, not rapid growth.

Central elements of the MC program take place in all three phases. These include the common times of prayer and worship, the theologically accompanied reading of the entire Bible and various books during the ten months, writing weekly and book reports which sharpen our ability to reflect, class times with mutual exchange and much more.


Phase I - discovering faith

If it is really true that we are beloved sons and daughters of God, before all achievement and despite all guilt, then we want to discover faith in this life-changing reality and understand more deeply what this means for our past, present and future. Various speakers will join us in illuminating this message from their personal perspectives. We dive into the sources of Christian faith--the Biblical scriptures--and deal with the question of how non-theologians in the 21st century can take these texts seriously and profit from reading them.

We learn about different forms of prayer and spirituality, and we read and process books that help us to better understand God and his work in this world. Since a life for God does not primarily consist of understanding a multitude of information, but rather becomes visible in a certain way of living, we practice common daily routines and life rhythms and search for traces in the life of Jesus.
Phase I focuses on the following points:

Image of God+

We discover that God is the living source of all life and the goal of all our desires, and He wants a living relationship with us.


We discover that we are uniquely created as an image of God and unconditionally loved, despite all guilt and before all achievement.

Imitation of Christ+

We discover that we find our true self where we invite Christ into our lives and become more like him.

Phase II - Growing in love

From the awareness that God loved us first, we may grow. Like diamonds cut each other to achieve true beauty, we humans need each other. We train ourselves to live transparent relationships, to perceive and release the potential in each other. Everyone will leave their comfort zone once or twice during this time. 

Many will be able to discover new passions and abilities as we learn from specialists in their respective fields, hear stories of vocations, and practice teamwork. We take our individual personalities seriously, without losing sight of our common calling. With small, everyday steps, we practice habits that promote life. Phase II focuses on the following points:


We grow in maturity and in our personalities.


We grow in our relationships through honesty, vulnerability and awareness.


We grow in seeing the good, the beautiful, and the true and making them visible in our lives.


We grow into our personal and common calling as sons and daughters of the Most High.


Phase III - sharing hope

As he sent his son, so he sends us. We learn together what it means to live out of this awareness and to see our personal stories as part of a larger story that began before us and continues beyond our lives. And yet we are allowed to take part in this story and to give ourselves so that, with our lives, God's kingdom will break more into this world. On our two outreaches we travel through Switzerland and Europe.

There we visit different churches and movements and meet people from different denominations and life situations. This can be done through practical work or through teaching: We want to serve the people wherever we are. In doing so, we ourselves are enriched and our picture of the church and our perspective on the world is broadened. Phase III focuses on the following points:


We give ourselves to our neighbor and to this world, because our lives too are a gift from God.


We give ourselves to our neighbor and to this world, because we too are gifted by God.


We give ourselves into the Kingdom of God movement, which wants to restore and renew us, his beloved church and world.

Everyday life in mc
